
Dear WCSPP Members,

Spend some time with the members of the WCSPP community, and you will find clinicians who, above all else, are committed to working well with their patients. Our work lives can get very lonely, especially given the intensity of our occupation. Having a community where we can share our thoughts and experiences keeps our work and ourselves even more enlivened.

The Psychoanalytic Association of WCSPP was formed soon after the founding of the Center. The aim is to ensure an organized way to continue the learning and collegial connections that begin during training. Graduates enjoy peer supervision groups, reading groups, writing groups, and ongoing educational events. Our annual retreat is a members’ only weekend, which is both fun and revitalizing.

But, my own favorite aspect of the community is how we welcome participation, ideas and initiatives from everyone. From planning a weekend conference, to writing papers, to designing a website, involvement makes our work more fun.

Please contact any of us if you are interested in becoming acquainted with our community’s members and our experiences. Thanks so much.


Aviva Gitlin, PsyD
President, WCSPP Psychoanalytic Association


Assoc. Membership Application