Submission Guidelines for Free Associations from WCSPP as of October 2022

  • All current members of the Westchester Center for Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis are eligible to submit blog posts.
  • Blog posts should be written towards a “lay audience” (no jargon!) with some professional or personal interest in the field of psychoanalysis, couples therapy, conducting supervision, child, adolescent and parenting issues, as well as for a more general audience geared toward practicing clinicians.
  • All content submitted to the blog must be original, composed solely by the writer(s), and previously unpublished.
  • Submissions must be 1,000 words or less, and include a proposed title and brief professional bio.
  • References must be in APA style.
  • To protect patient confidentiality, clinical material must be sufficiently disguised or written permission from patient must be given.
  • The editors select blog submissions based on topicality, current need, appropriateness, and quality of writing. Writers may be asked to revise and/or revisit material for further consideration. Submissions that do not meet editorial standards may not be accepted for publication.
  • Blog editors reserve the right to change post titles and edit content at their discretion, without final approval by writers unless specifically requested.
  • All blog posts must be approved by WCSPP Executive Directors before posting.
  • By submitting to the blog, writers agree to adhere to these submission guidelines.
  • To submit a blog post, please email the Blog Editors: Leslie Phillips- or Coren Schwartz-