A.I. on the Couch: Staying Human in the Age of Advanced Technology

About Join us for a thought-provoking discussion on the profound impact of Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) and its implications for the field of psychoanalysis! Earn 2 CE HOURS, approved for NY Practitioners - LCSWs, LMSWs, LPs, LMFTs, LMHCs, LCATs, PHDs, PSYDs. This program has been approved for Continuing Education Credit Hours by the National Association of […]

Empathy and Historical Understanding

Empathy, for Kohut, always involves an awareness of difference, of the distinction between the empathizing self and the empathized other. Since empathy is decidedly not sympathy, we can and must—Dr. Kohut argues—empathize with people we find decidedly unsympathetic. Dr. Kohut will demonstrate that history written from an empathic perspective, that is, from the perspective of […]